Unique Moss Bathroom Rug

Do you like the idea of having a moss rug? It sounds weird right? But from http://www.yankodesign.com/, it says that grass can increase blood circulation. That’s why it is best to have a moss rug in the bathroom. But make sure that the temperature of the rug will make the moss thrive.

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Most Dangerous Places In The World

Although the world is filled with lots of wonders and beauties, there are still places where they are considered as dangerous. This only means that you are not allowed or you should not go to these places if you don’t want something bad happen to you or to your loved ones. This is interesting information as there are different places with the different reasons of why they are considered as dangerous.



To be particular, the Ciudad Juarez in Mexico is considered as dangerous. This is because this place is known for drug trafficking and crimes. Those who are involved would do the best that they can and this means that they are willing to kill lots of people just to accomplish their business of dealing the illegal drugs. In fact, even their police department is known for being corrupt.

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The Beautiful Brighton Beach

Are you looking for a great place to stay this summer? If you are then you should include Brighton beach as one of your choices. It is located in a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. It is known as one of the cleanest beach in Australia. Finding for the best accommodation as well as the restaurants or cafes is not difficult as you can find lots of them on Bay Street which is a walking distance to the beachfront. You will find the different beach huts with beautiful colors. It is not yet well developed, that’s why you can really see clear water and yellow sand.

The “bathing boxes” or the colorful sheds serve as the icon of Melbourne. They are all privately owned. But sometimes (very rare) they are for sale. However, they are very costly and they are quickly sold.

Especially during summer, the beach is being patrolled by the lifesavers to ensure safety, particularly if you will bring your kids.


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