How To Attract Butterflies In 6 Easy Steps?

I guess most people are attracted to see butterflies in the garden. Aside from that, they are also good pollinators for your flower. Did you know that you can attract butterflies when you have butterfly feeders in your garden? Although you can buy them in any garden stores, you can also make your own version. That’s why I like this DIY butterfly feeders in 6 easy steps. You can access the entire steps in this blog:





21 Expert Organic Lawn Care Tips

One of the most important parts in your garden is your lawn. Aside from taking care of your flowers and plants, you should also maintain your lawn, particularly the growing grasses. But as much as possible, you should try to use the organic ways so that it would be friendlier for the environment.


You should think of your soil as alive. They also need to eat food through fertilizers and to drink water. If you will think this way, you will be able to provide what your soil needs. You may get used of spreading lime. But be careful on this as there are some precautions which you need to take.

You can visit for the complete list of these tips.

How To Make a Raised Bed Garden?

If you don’t have a good soil in your garden, the best option that you can have is the raised bed garden. Instead of planting your vegetables, flowers, and other types of plants on the ground, you would build above ground which gives you more control and access on the soil and plants. Below are tips which you may apply when making a raised bed garden:

raised bed

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5 Beautiful Ways to Use Succulents

One of the best things that you can do in your garden is to have succulents. Carrie, who is an author from, has stated the different creative ways to use succulents. First, you should use a unique container. The container plays an important role when it regards to how the plants will grow and appear. One of the examples she uses is the seashell. You should try vertical garden. Succulent is best for vertical garden since it does not need so much soil and water. Lastly, you can use glass containers. You can even recycle your old glasses. This can also be perfect as a centerpiece in your table. Check out the other ways here.


Top 15 cool accessories for your garden

garden accessories

Accessories in your garden are also important although your garden may still be established without them. They have the power to attract not just your guests or neighbors’ attention; but they can also attract birds and other beneficial insects. Stefania Del Zotto has beautifully presented the 15 cool accessories for any garden. First is the egg bird house which really looks unique. The second one is the digging dog garden ornament. Most probably, you will be fooled because it looks real. Last but not the least is the solar flower lights. These are great additional in your garden especially at night. The rest of these cool accessories can be accessed here:

Why You Should Grow Your Own Herb Garden?

herbs gardenHerbs are great to have in your house. You can plant them indoor or outdoor. They can do lots of benefits for you. What I love about having them is that they are very flexible and useful. Below are some of the reasons why you should plant your own herbs in your garden:

They are cook’s best friends

Isn’t it that herbs can do lots of things when you cook? If you love to cook food, most probably, you don’t want cook without adding herbs. Different herbs can make your food tastes delicious and smells food. Aside from that, they are also nutritious to be added to any kinds of meals. Below are the common herbs which are used to add flavor to foods:

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Growing Tulips Indoors: Steps to Forcing Tulip Bulbs


Botanical Name: Tulipa hybrids

Tulips are one of the best flowers in the world. You will surely be captivated with how they look. One of the best places where you can enjoy the sight of the tulips is inside your home, especially when it is already winter season. According to an article from, forcing tulips bulb can be difficult, but the effects are worthy.

Planting tip: Because each tulip variety tends to bloom at a different time, it’s best not to mix them. You’ll enjoy a mass of beautiful blooms by planting one tulip bulb variety per pot.

To check the steps how to force tulip bulbs, you may click here.

Tulips need bright and indirect light. That’s why it is important to rotate the pot or change the location of the plant so that adequate light will be given. For the soil, keep it light moist. They are always thirsty. So, as much as possible check their soil. You can add balanced liquid fertilizer every two weeks to make them healthier.

How To Have An Evening Garden?

evening gardenIt doesn’t mean that you are busy; you will no longer have time to enjoy your garden. By having an evening garden, you will have the chance to appreciate the entire place no matter how late at night it is, unless you are still working by that time. Having an evening garden is easy since there are many plants to choose from, and these plants are not difficult to maintain. If you don’t know how to start having your own evening garden, try to read the tips below:

Create a Plan

Planning is really important when you want to make your evening garden perfect. Without proper planning, you may not be able to achieve the garden that you dream of having. Try to spare a little time outside. Envision your garden. How would you like it to look? Where you will put your plants? What type of plants you want to have? How will you arrange them? These are just a few questions which you need to think about when planning. In fact, it can be useful if you will put all your thoughts in a piece of paper so that you won’t forget. If you think you don’t know what to do, you can ask for help from an expert.

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5 invasive plants to keep out of your garden

gardenDid you know that there are invasive plants which can harm the other plants which you have planted in your garden? From, an article written by, there are 5 invasive plants which you should look for in your garden. By doing this, you will be able to protect the plants which are precious to you. First, you should be aware of the English Ivy. It may spread widely which hinders other plants from receiving adequate sunlight. If you choose to have the English Ivy, you should make sure that it is properly trimmed and regularly pruned. You should also be careful when you have bush honeysuckles in your garden. These plants are native to Asia. It is much better to choose honeysuckle vines than the bush. To know more of these plants, kindly visit this site: